Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 4: Almost half way there

Ok so again I don't remember much about day 4 because I'm writing it on day 6. I felt fine most of the day except around 3pm I got really sleepy. I took about a half our nap and then realized, when I got up of course, that I had made my lemonade with half as much lemon juice and maple syrup as I was supposed to (oops!). I made some more with the proper concentration and I felt much better. I also worked out and felt awesome. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill and sat in the sauna for 20 minutes. I drank about 10oz of lemonade before and during the workout and about 10oz right after. I was not tired, or dizzy, or anything. This seems to make a great energy drink! I also went out with my friends, one of whom had jaw surgery and couldn't eat either, to a tea/coffee house. We drank 2 pots of tea between the three of us. It was nice to get out and to be with someone else who couldn't eat. So I didn't feel dumb watching people eat. My weight was 153! WOW 5 lbs in one day! Maybe it was the run.

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